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Face Value

I am used to getting the awkward stares and double takes as I look for a parking spot with my windows down and Taylor Swift blaring through the speakers. It’s funny to witness the shock on one’s face when they realize my dad is white. The unforgettable look on a man’s face when I did not agree with his unsolicited invite to his conversation about soul food as I am not an expert. Contrary to his belief, eating and cooking soul food is not a skill set I picked up out of the womb. Years ago, I met this librarian during my first day of college and she was not friendly while she was setting me up with my library card. As we were waiting for the computer to finalize everything she asked me where I was from. I told her and her demeanor completely changed as she seemed honored to have met someone from “one of the richest counties in the Nation”. I had no clue, but apparently she had done her research on the matter.

The events I just shared are moderate occurrences in my life, but they prompted me to write a poem and I would like to share a snippet with you…..

My black, is unique

My black, is not a stereotype

My black, is not what you want it to be

My black, is deeper than what the eyes can see

My black, does not define me

My black, is in His image

My black,  is me-and I can only be T

The poem is a work in progress but you catch my drift. I know I’m sort of pointing the finger but those instances were also learning points in my life. I know I’ve judged a book by it’s cover a time or two. Now, I read a couple pages then make a judgment. lol